
Since 1984, the International Business teams have produced yearly reports on distinctive market opportunities for Norwegian companies. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments concerning prior reports.

Ethiopia 2019/2010

Read the entire report: Online view | Download
Kazakhstan 2018/2019

Read the entire report: Online view | Download
Iran 2017/2018

Read the entire report: Online view | Download
Morocco 2016/2017

Read the entire report: Online view | Download
Ecuador 2015/2016
Ecuador hold potential in the offshore industry, energy, and agriculture. Other central sectors are tourism, IT, banking and insurance.
Read the entire report: Online view | Download
Myanmar 2014/2015
The Myanmar-report is published, read more about the project here

Read the entire report: Online view | Download
Tanzania 2013/2014

”Tanzania represents a largely unexplored market for Norwegian companies, despite being the third fastest growing country in Africa. The vast abundance of natural resources is attracting international firms”.
Read the entire report: Online view | Download

Brazil 2012/2013
"At the moment, I'm most optimistic about Brazil, not only because of its significant growth in the past decade but also because of something that simultaneously declined: its level of economic inequality".
Read the entire report: Online view | Download

India 2011/2012
"Cheap, skilled labor and a vast and emerging consumer market makes it attractive to explore this gigantic democracy". 
Read the entire report: Online view | Download
Indonesia 2010/2011
  "Eight sectors have been identified to have great opportunities for foreign investments"
Read the entire report: Online view | Download
Mexico 2009/2010
"The report provides in-depth information about the oil, gas and shipping sector." 
Read the entire report: Online view | Download
Malaysia 2008/2009
"Malaysia has a stable political environment and sufficient infrastructure, at a lower cost than many comparable countries. Read more; Full report.
Vietnam 2007/2008
"The Vietnamese government has realized the  need for foreign cooperation and investment and is working towards better conditions for foreign companies to enter the market."
Read more: Full report.
Brazil 2006/2007
Read more: Full report.
India 2005/2006
Read more: Full report.
China 2004/2005
"China aims to be the leading shipbuilding country in the world by 2015. If there ever was a moment for taking the big leap, that time is now!"
Read more: Full report.
Russia 2003/2004
"This report aims to answer how the rapid changes in Russia may increase business opportunities for Norwegian industries in Russia."
Read more: Full report.

Turkey 2002/2003 
"Turkey is strategically located between Europe and Asia, and has one of the largest energy markets in the world. Read more: Download full report.

Poland 2001/2002
Read more: Full report.
South Korea 2000/2001
Read more: Full report.